My relationship with change.

Lately, I have been thinking quite a bit about change and how so many of us have had to learn to be ok with the discomfort of change, having no other option but to adapt as best as one can during such a trying time. However, I see very quickly how things can start to feel normal again, the new normal as they say, learning how to live with a pandemic. I noticed this in me, settling into a new routine that was now familiar making it feel comfortable and normal. That thought for the first time in my life scared me. This was somewhat of a surprise for me as I am one for comfort, staying stagnant because it’s what I know, not wanting to create any waves, to keep the piece so I didn’t have to put the effort into implanting boundaries and maintaining them because that will cause discomfort. I would rather be in familiar suffering than embrace the discomfort of change and be happier for it. As difficult as this time has been, one thing I have learned is I have become accustomed to and a little comfortable with change and that's actually exciting 😱 That’s me growing internally. Thank you pandemic.

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